The 2024 IADI Annual Conference and Annual General Meeting will take place in person on 11-15 November in Tokyo, Japan.
The theme of this year’s conference is “Future proofing the Core Principles: raising the bar for deposit insurance systems”.
For IADI Members, kindly note that the Annual Conference will be preceded by committee meetings on 11-13 November. The Annual General meeting will be held on 15 November.
A special thank you to the Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan for hosting the event.
Useful links:
Panel 1
Design of deposit insurance systems: coverage, funding and the concept of deposits
Effective deposit insurance system design underpins the stability of financial systems and mitigates the moral hazard risks affecting the behaviour of shareholders, bank management and depositors. In determining the scope and coverage level of deposit insurance, policymakers need to balance the effectiveness of protection against the potential impact on bank risk-taking and on the funding of deposit insurers, as the credibility of a deposit insurance system itself rests on the reliability of its funding structure. Moreover, as banking systems are evolving due to technological innovation, deposit insurance may deserve a regular review to remain relevant in a changing environment. In this session, panellists will discuss the policy considerations and trade-offs in striking the right balance between the design elements of deposit insurance systems.
Panel 2
Deposit insurers and resolution: early involvement, selection of resolution strategies and use of funds
Resolution authorities should have at their disposal a broad range of powers and tools to handle bank failures. Whereas resolution by way of liquidation and fast payout of depositors remains the default procedure in many jurisdictions, non-payout resolution tools have received increased attention, as they help to maintain the continuity of critical bank operations and can contribute to the continuity of depositor access to funds. Considering the growing role of deposit insurers in bank resolution funding, the interaction of deposit insurance and resolution needs to be clearly defined. This session will consider the role for deposit insurers in resolution and reflect on early involvement, the factors guiding the selection of resolution strategies, and effective funding arrangements.
Panel 3
Financial safety net coordination: information sharing, collaboration and simulation exercises
The 2023 banking turmoil demonstrated the importance of an effective financial safety-net in maintaining stability and confidence in the banking sector. No single actor in the financial safety net can achieve these policy objectives in isolation. Cooperation, coordination, and information sharing among the financial safety net participants, including the deposit insurer, is critical both during “business-as-usual” times and in times of crisis. This session will focus on how to implement a holistic approach based on close coordination between all relevant authorities in the financial safety net. This includes the increasing relevance of monitoring activities and subsequent sharing of data between the financial safety-net participants, and the crisis preparedness by the deposit insurance system, e.g. through the determination of the preferred tool in crisis intervention and resolution measures.
Panel 4
Digitalisation and financial innovation: can deposit insurers become obsolete?
Developments in technology by bank and non-bank actors, and by public authorities have accelerated the digitalisation of financial services and improved efficiency and speed in financial transactions. At the same time, they have given rise to concerns about financial stability, bank disintermediation, consumer protection, and financial inclusion. In this context, deposit insurers face a number of complex issues, including the impact innovation may have on deposits as a source of funding to banks, the availability and attractiveness to users of alternatives to bank deposits, including central bank digital currencies and tokenised deposits. This session will consider the potential impact on deposit insurer’s operations, the emerging opportunities, and how they may need to evolve to address new challenges and risks.

Phang Hong LIM
Senior Director
Supervisory Guidance in Toronto Centre
Pearl Esua-Mensah,
Chief Executive Officer
Ghana Deposit Protection Corporation
Hiroaki Kuwahara
Senior Executive Director
Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan (DICJ)

Andres Portilla
Managing Director,
Head of Regulatory Affairs
Eamonn White
Director, Ardhill Advisory,
Visiting Lecturer at Queen Mary University of London,
School of Economics and Finance
Alfredo Pallini
IADI Executive Council Vice Chairperson,
Director General Interbank Deposit Protection Fund

Leah Anderson
President and Chief Executive Officer,
Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation
Hilmar Zettler
Managing Director,
The Deposit Protection Fund of the Association of German Banks
JaeHoon Yoo
Chairman and President
Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation

Daniel Lima
Chief Executive Officer
Fundo Garantidor de Créditos
Jose-Maria Fernandez
Director of International Affairs and Policy, Fondo de Garantía de Depósitos de Entidades de Crédito (FGD)
Adil Utembayev
Chairman, Kazakhstan Deposit Insurance Fund

Yvonne Fan
Executive Vice President
Central Deposit Insurance Corporation
Patricia Anoma
Managing Director
Deposit Guarantee and Resolution Fund,
West African Monetary Union
Oliver Wuensch
Oliver Wyman

Karen Braun-Munzinger
Member of the Board, Single Resolution Board
Hellen Chepkwony
Chief Executive Officer, Kenya Deposit Insurance Corporation
Toshio Tsuiki
Deputy Secretary General
Basel Committee for Banking Supervision

Jan Nolte
Senior Financial Sector Expert, International Monetary Fund
Hiromi Yamaoka
Chief Adviser for International Finance,
Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Robin Newnham
Head of Policy Analysis and Guidance
Alliance for Financial Inclusion