Interested in 2025 IADI events? Check our calendar of events for the upcoming year.

The full dataset of the 2024 Annual Survey has now been made available to IADI Members.

IADI AGM press release
IADI reviewed the progress towards its strategic objectives and set work priorities for 2025.

Welcome to the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI)
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About IADI

IADI is the global standard-setter for deposit insurance systems and the principal forum where deposit insurers from around the world meet to share knowledge and expertise.
Established in 2002, IADI helps jurisdictions to improve the effectiveness of deposit insurance systems by developing effective policies and standards, monitoring their adoption in member jurisdictions, and collecting and analysing data on deposit insurance and bank failures.
IADI serves as forum for the sharing of information on experiences, practices, and techniques with respect to effective deposit insurance systems, bank crisis management and resolution.
IADI currently represents 100 deposit insurers. It is constituted as not-for-profit association under Swiss Law and hosted by the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland.
See About IADI for more information.