About ARC

(The page is a draft version for ARC's review.)

The Africa Regional Committee (ARC) of the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) was established and formed under the auspices of IADI in 2002. The ARC currently has 12 Members and 5 Associates.

The governing body of ARC is the General Meeting, which is responsible for: 

  1. Reviewing and approving the Governing Rules of ARC and any modifications thereto.
  2. Electing and appointing office bearers.
  3. Establishing any working Committees of ARC.
  4. Providing strategic direction and support to the ARC Training Academy.



  1. A continent where deposit insurance contributes to strenthening the financial eco-system. Or;
  2. Deposit insurance for enhanced public confidence in the African financial sector



  1. Support ARC members to implement reliable deposit insurance systems in Africa Region.
  2. Advocate for the deepening of deposit insurance system across Africa to enhance public confidence in the financial sector while promoting international solidarity and standards.



The Objectives of the ARC are:

  1. To reflect the best interests of the African Region in a manner that furthers the objectives of the Continent.
  1. To promote the effective, fair, and efficient protection of deposits within the regulated financial institutions across the African continent.
  1. To promote the adoption of high standards and internationally recognized principles in the practice of deposit protection, supervision, and resolution of member institutions throughout the African continent.
  1. To promote international co-operation and knowledge sharing among deposit insurers in Africa.
  1. To support the objectives and actively participate in the activities of the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI).
  1. To support the ARC membership in implementation of the IADI Strategic Goals, as drawn in annual Business Plans.
  1. To enhance the understanding of common interests and issues related to deposit insurance;
  1. To undertake research on new and emerging issues relating to deposit insurance in the region.
  1. Establish and support training institutions that specialize in deposit insurance within the Region.
  1. Create awareness among supervisors, regulators of financial institutions, and other policy makers regarding the key role of deposit insurance systems in maintaining financial sector stability, and; 
  1. Take such other actions as may be necessary or useful for its objectives and activities.